North America | Oregon | Division Winemaking Company

Division Winemaking Company


Division Division Winemaking Company is a Portland, Oregon-based winery founded in 2010 by Kate Norris and Thomas Monroe, and represents a new generation of curious winemakers looking beyond the status quo to create unique wines with purpose and a story.

Determined to make minimal intervention, approachable, and balanced wines with great price to quality value, the winemakers work with terroir-expressive vineyards, focused on organic, regenerative and/or biodynamic farming.

After cutting her teeth working in wine in France, Kate has since become a leader in Oregon winemaking. Working closely with organizations including the Oregon Wine Board and the Willamette Valley Wineries Association, Kate is often the one to encourage change and diverge from the path of sameness. Often found with her sleeves rolled up in her trusty Carhartts, Kate’s approach to winemaking is open-minded, always evolving and simple: drink good things with good people. 

Tom Monroe got his start in banking, but was drawn away by the artistry of wine. The unique trifecta of people, science, and art, has kept him in wine for the past decade. Playing multiple roles in his constantly evolving day-to-day is one of the elements to winemaking that Tom enjoys most.